Twis the night before Christmas and at the North Pole, Santa was just finishing a bottle of cold beer. Even though his wife, Mrs. Claus, did not know he liked a drink or two before before went out into the world. Santa had been under a lot of stress the past few years because of all the wishes children had each holiday season.
Santa was getting ready for the Big Sleigh Ride to deliver toys to all the children of the world. Children were asking for Pillow Pets, E-Readers, and all sorts of other things that Santa did not understand why children would want these things?
Santa did not need to have elves make things anymore. All the elves would have to go out and buy things at all the busy retail stores. Like Best Buy, Toys 'R' Us, and many other stores with funny names. In the process, some of the elves would be run over by a grandma trying to get the simplest thing.
So Santa had been drinking a lot of alcohol during the Christmas Season because of the demands from children, elves getting hurt, and as always people not believing in St. Nick!
Now Santa lots people may not know this, but Santa had three younger brothers! You see Santa's real name is Kris Kringle. Santa or Kris is the eldest of 4 Kringle's. There is also Kane, who is the tallest of them all. Kerry, who acts like a politician, but is average height and weight. And finally there was Kenny, who was the shortest Kringle by far.
Now Santa's brothers have be helping Santa during each Holiday Season because all of the Kringle brothers dress up just like Santa. You see each Kringle takes turns going down the chimney in case Santa was or is too hung over from the ride. This helps Santa keeps his jolly reputation, so no one will learn why he drinks.
Now this is what the other Kringle Brothers have said about why Santa Claus drinks. ''Do not be in a hurry to change one evil for another.''(The Oxen and the Butchers) The world has changed so much that Santa has a hard time keeping up with all the wants for Christmas. Santa wants his old life back when he was in charege and not a retail store. Santa needs to learn that there is ''No gratitude from the wicked.''(The Woodman and the Serpent)
So let Santa have a good holiday. Be good to one another.
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